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Our Approach 

We employ a combination of systems analysis, behavioral science, and human-centered design for individual and social good.

We know the limits of each tool. Behavioral nudges that are too tactical. Beautiful systems maps that fail to lead to action.

Thus, we innovate: creating new approaches and synthesizing the best of each methodology to deliver insights that provide clear, measurable impact.

a bar chart, made up of dots
a logo of an X and square, made up of dots


First, we use systems analysis - from qualitative systems thinking to formal simulation models - to understand the structures driving today’s challenges. We then look for opportunities for change: analyzing leverage points and the viability of behavior change in different contexts.


Next, we use human-centered design to deeply understand the end-users and other stakeholders involved in the situation: from local organizations to government institutions.

a logo of a person, made up of dots
a logo of a check mark, made up of dots


Then, we apply the tools of behavioral science to change behavior with targeted interventions. No matter how complex the system and its structural constraints, systems change because specific people change: from policy makers to corporate leaders to everyday citizens.


We then use the fit-for-purpose tools to measure our impact: for specific behaviors of interest, through ripple effects in the broader community, and for outcomes at the systemic level. 

a logo of a magnifying glass, made up of dots
a logo of an arrow, made up of dots

To Learn More

Our team is pioneering new cross-disciplinary methods.  This includes a detailed methodology to integrate computational and qualitative system analyses for targeted behavioral interventions, which we lead at Busara, and numerous publications on systems thinking for behavioral design by Ruth Schmidt.

To learn more about our approach, just reach out to us at 

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