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What We Offer

We serve our partners in four ways: detailed diagnosis and design, strategic advice, systemic measurement and evaluation, and, in specialized cases, hands-on implementation and research. 

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Behavioral Diagnosis
and Design

At the core of sistemaFutura's methodology is understanding complex systems — their structure and actors — and designing interventions for strategic behavioral change. We are methodical about finding when and where in the system a behavioral change would be most consequential. We identify these critical junctures in the system (aka “leverage points”) using the tools of systems analysis: from qualitative systems thinking to formal simulation models. We tap into human-centered design to deeply understand the motivations and experiences of multiple system actors. We then deploy behavioral science to design impactful interventions that aim to create systemic shifts.

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Hands-on Implementation and Research

Our goal is to empower our partners to shape the systems in which they work. Yet, we understand that strategic plans and intervention designs may not be enough to meet our partners' needs. We support partners to both implement these efforts and build internal capacity through side-by-side research, upskilling teams, and building buy-in from leadership and staff.  Our approach to designing and testing solutions in the field is user-centric and data-driven. We seek and adapt the right tool for the job. That includes qualitative research to inform the project, user testing and prototyping to quickly adapt interventions, randomized controlled trials to test effectiveness, and implementation research to improve a program’s replicability and scalability.

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Strategic Advice

We provide strategic, evidence-based analyses for organizations to understand and amplify the broader impact of their portfolio of programs and services. We create a strategic understanding of the interactions among programs and the ecosystem in which they exist. This empowers partners to make meaningful changes and increase impact across their portfolio. For example, we examine how an organization can craft dynamic, reinforcing portfolios to tackle complex issues through multiple initiatives. This enables leaders to proactively manage intersections and risks across projects, and chart the roadmap for future impact.

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Systemic Measurement
and Evaluation

One of the prime challenges of international development, especially, is that successful pilots don’t mean you are having a systemic impact. We work with partners to understand the complex environment their projects are embedded in, and analyze their true impact. This entails identifying what should be measured at the project level, both as local indicators and as inputs to the broader systemic understanding, and tracing the causal pathways to systemic impact.  These assessments are vital for both internal accountability and improvement, and to express the organization’s broader impacts for other stakeholders.

Our Focus Areas

We work with a wide range of social impact partners - from development agencies addressing hunger and mental health to companies driving impact through their products. We do so especially in four focus areas.

Gender-Based Violence

Political Polarization

Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change

Financial Inequality

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